CCIE Service Provider is the exam name of 400-201 CCIE SP test. The associated certification is CCIE Service Provider. There are 90-110 questions in real Cisco 400-201 exam, which will take the candidates 120 minutes to complete the test. The available language is English. Candidates can register Cisco 400-201 CCIE SP exam at Pearson VUE testing center. Try Cisco 400-201 CCIE SP free online test here:
Many people who have passed some IT related certification exams used our Passtcert 400-201 CCIE Service Provider. Our Passtcert expert team use their experience for many people participating in Cisco certification 400-201 exam to develope the latest effective training tools, which includes Cisco 400-201 certification simulation test, the current exam and answers. Our Passtcert Cisco 400-201 CCIE SP exam test questions have 95% similarity with the real exam. With Passtcert Cisco 400-201 CCIE SP exam test questions can be easy passed.
Share some CCIE 400-201 exam questions and answers below.
An engineer has just configured IOS-XR with out-of-band MPP. Which are the three results that will occur? (Choose three.)
A.Management traffic to RP from all non-MPP interfaces is dropped
B.RP/DRP Ethernet Interfaces are not default out-of-band interfaces.
C.MPP configuration changes doesn't affect active sessions established before the changes
D.Interfaces configured for out-of-band MPP are still part of global routing/forwarding
E.If MPP is disabled and a protocol is activated, all interfaces cannot pass traffic
F.LPTS will provide rate limiting
Answer: ACF
Which BGP community is used to prevent the advertisement of the BGP prefix to other BGP peers?
Answer: A
Which are the two advantages if an ISP chooses a platform that runs Cisco IOS-XR Software instead of Cisco IOS Software? (Choose two.)
A.Cisco IOS XR Software functions as a message-passing operating system.
B.The system's scheduler is priority-based.
C.The context switching is based on Cisco Express Forwarding.
D.VoIP traffic is hardware-processed for real-time response.
E.Communication between client and server is realized by a dedicated mechanism.
Answer: AB
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